why does knowing god matter

Most of them were family or friend names and some didn’t know the why of their name. God is not a stern judge, as he is portrayed by some religions. 4. The new year is almost here, which means that we can finally say goodbye to the year 2020! Justin Holcomb. If faith is a matter of taking God at His word, what does God say about His word? Yes, humans are spirit beings, like angels, but with our animal bodies, we are part of this material cosmos. What ministry opportunities does the workplace present? Principle Two: All of us sin and our sin has separated us from God. I’d tell my story as above and then I’d invite them to share their story. No matter what God does, you must submit to His design and be prepared to curse your own flesh rather than make complaints against Him. LESSON 4 -WHAT KNOWING GOD MEANS (1 John 2:12-17) Copr. The interesting thing is that by asking “Why does God matter” this question (as stated when I answered) assumes firstly that God exists and secondly that God matters. The answer to why doesn’t help us heal. John Piper @JohnPiper. Recently, our pastor took a couple of weeks to preach on other topics related to a church emphasis. Let us take a few minutes and examine this in detail to ascertain whether or not having an accurate understanding about God is important. Why Does It Matter What I Believe about God? Its words are powerful (Hebrews 4:12). You were made to last forever! What you believe about God changes everything. Knowing God. I teach a small group at my church each week. It means never being alone. Packer, Knowing God]. For my family, that means cozying up with a dangerous amount of cookies and hot cocoa in our living room and turning on the projector to watch nothing but Christmas movies every night. For those who do believe in God, it affects the way that they live. He suffered for you before you were even alive. You may wonder what this has to do with leadership. Karen served on several church staffs, held many volunteer positions in her local church, and is a Bible study teacher and seminar and retreat leader. Paul’s deep desire was to know God more experientially so that he could understand the power of His resurrection. I'm going to be real with you all. John Piper is founder and teacher of desiringGod.org and chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. So, I decided that for two weeks, our small group would look at a couple of the names of God. God Is Infinite – He is Self-Existing, Without Origin ... Because God is all-knowing, we can trust that he knows everything we’re going through today and everything we will go through tomorrow. And how you become most truly alive. How will we experience the life He gives? God loved you that much. They try to live by the greatest commandments ever given to us: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest co… God is love means that God wants the very best for you. Okay so I hear the stories that if we do not believe in the right God, that we're going to hell, but why does it matter? After all, we were created to do good works (Ephesians 2:10) in order to be part of God’s plan of continuing to reveal Himself to the world. 4. How does my story fit into God’s greater story of redemption? The Children of Israel had been in the desert of Shur for three days without water. "Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you." Having taught Experiencing God many times, I remembered that there was a list of the names of God in the appendix of that classic work. Knowing the will of God is one of the most important things we can seek in our Christian walk. And why might it be the great mission field of the 21st century? She comes with vast experience in local church ministry and denominational work and has been instrumental in the formation of several successful nonprofit ventures, including two churches, a seminary, a medical missions organization, and a welfare-to-work program. When my son was born, his first name is his father’s name and my father’s nickname is his middle name. by Jonathan Gibson The doctrine of definite atonement states that in the death of Jesus Christ, the triune God intended to achieve the redemption of every person given to the Son by the Father in eternity past, and to apply the accomplishments of His sacrifice to each of them by the Spirit. Second, God's ultimate will for us is always to glorify Him and help us grow spiritually. Close. Knowing God (eternal life) is something we can have right now (John 3:36). Why does the worst still happen? Look 2020 straight in the face and know that you're better because of it. To know God (who is Eternal) is to have eternal spiritual life. I know you on a deeper and more intimate level because of our experiences together. 2020 has been a hard year. Don’t get me wrong, theology is important and there are right and wrong ways of thinking about God.

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