sunflowers wilting after transplant

Tips for Moving Sunflower Plants. Actually, it’s my first time planting a flower/plant. Many infected seedlings never emerge from the soil and die before germination is complete. To speed recovery, keep them quite moist and out of the sun for 2 days, then give filtered sun or half-day sun for 2 days, after which they should be ready for bright light. Be sure to tear off the top 1/2 inch of the peat pot before planting so it doesn't wick away the soil moisture and deprive the seedling of water. Remember: If cared for properly, cut sunflowers can last up to 2 weeks. Water the sunflower plants regularly and deeply during times of active growth, or at least 20 days before and after they flower. A couple years ago I tried direct sowing sunflowers, and none of them germinated, so this year I spring sowed four containers of them. So why are my sunflowers drooping? 2 days after transplant the two smaller ones are starting to wilt, one of them very badly. it sounds like you’re doing a smashing job. University of Delaware Cooperative Extension: Transplant Shock. But don’t be disheartened. I’ve been growing Sunflowers all my life and they always make me smile! Hi I am a complete newbie here and total novice to gardening. I always try and give the sunflowers I cut from my garden, to display in my home a good start to help them last as long as possible. They need constant care with watering and tending.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'shesaidsunflower_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_0',134,'0','0'])); From one day to the next I find a new challenge comes along. This will prevent early wilting. If yellow growth or other signs of toxicity appear , discontinue use and rinse the sprouts with water. Or the plant's leaves may wilt in response to the soil, amount of water, lighting conditions or even its new pot. | Copyright© 2018-2019 Sunflower sprouts suffer few problems, although they may sometimes droop for a variety of reasons. Sunflower seedlings are extremely susceptible to improper growing conditions and poor care. Wilting leaves, which is actually defined as having water loss or being dehydrated, is obviously associated with a lack of water. Be patient, they will soon get strength from being outside in their new ground and the natural sunlight from above. well done. They need to be kept in water as much as possible to prevent them from wilting. When placing the flowers back in the clean water, jiggle them about in the water. Maximilian sunflowers can also be left standing through the winter … First of all, make sure your plants are fully hydrated. I bought Sunflowers which were potted in 6" pots and they looked pretty nice. When a sunflowers head has completely bloomed, when it’s been pollinated and becomes heavy with seeds, then it’s perfectly normal for the head to bend over and droop down. They’re just starter leaves. Samantha McMullen began writing professionally in 2001. Change the water regularly, once a day would be ideal. Shaded conditions or imbalanced soil moisture are two common causes of wilt in sunflower seedlings, as are poor soil, hard frosts and competition from weeds. If you are in the Northern Hemisphere it is early for sunflowers to start to grow. It’s been several years since I needed to buy new ones, but if you’re planning on growing sunflowers for many years to come, or have any other tall plants that need support, I found similar ones that are perfect here on amazon. With over 70 species and lots of varieties, there are many choices! As long as the sunflowers receive full sun for at least 6 hours per day, though more is better, and adequate water, the plants can grow without any additional tending. Although sunflowers can tolerate some drought, getting too little water over a long stretch of time can make the plants wilt. If you must transplant in summer, choose a cloudy day to make the move. Not only do I love having sunflowers in my garden, I love having the bright blooms displayed in my home too. Can you transplant sunflowers from a starting pot? Plants wilt when the water taken up by the roots and transported to the leaves is insufficient to replace water lost from the leaves by transpiration. All rights reserved, Place your seedling trays and pots in a sunny, but sheltered place on firm ground for a few hours every day, Continue until the last of the harsh weather has gone, Choose a sunflower that is starting to open up or nearly bloomed. 2 days ago, i found the first 2 leaves of some of them began to turn yellow and soft, while only one of them the first 2 leaves turned brown and died. If your seedlings are small and don’t stand up on their own, you might want to use a stake. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to May 2013 in Problem solving. Shaded conditions or imbalanced soil moisture are two common causes of wilt in sunflower seedlings, as are poor soil, hard frosts and competition from weeds. but it's worth taking a little care. Thank you for the article. it’s wonderful to discover your site especially when I don’t know what to do/ how to rescue my baby sunflowers. There are a few reasons why sunflower heads droop over. Brocolli and sunflowers - wilting in sunlight. Sun Requirements. Sizes range from dwarf types (1 to 2-feet tall) to mammoths (8 to 15 feet).The world record for sunflower height is currently 30 feet! To speed recovery, keep them quite moist and out of the sun for 2 days, then give filtered sun or half-day sun for 2 days, after which they should be ready for bright light. It may be the temperatures in your area are not warm enough yet. Having a vase that supports the length of stem you’ve cut will help them not to droop. Sunflowers affected by the fungus droop over and die as the fungal bodies invade the young plant. Your email address will not be published. After pollination and petal wilting and drying (late R-6), sunflowers can withstand temperatures as … The others to the touch feel dry and kind of hairy, but these feel really smooth and wet. First of all make sure all developing plants are well drained and have been watered. Transplanting is stressful for most plants, sunflowers included, and they may droop or show other signs of shock after transplant. Save some to grow next year, and do this with your seeds! Once it warms up, the remaining portion of the head will pollinate normally. Next Last. If cared for properly, cut sunflowers can last up to 2 weeks. I read your article and tried to water in the early morning, as well as in the afternoon coz i scared overwatering them. Heya I've woke up today and my sunflower is starting to get wilted leaves. And again jiggle them. There's two plants in the same pot - and they're starting to wilt. The freshly cut flowers I have around my home  are regularly treated to fresh water and a homemade cocktail of soluble food, to prolong their lives. This site is owned and operated by Pam Anne and Michael Chamberlain. Wilting/Drooping after transplant. If you’re growing seedlings indoors then place them in the most sunny place as you can, A south facing windowsill is ideal. 4. Flower sizes can be a few inches and up to 20-inches in diameter. The seedlings can suffer some problems early in their lives if you don't provide them with the proper care. If the sunflower leaves turn yellow, there is a high chance that you are overwatering the plant. I bought Sunflowers which were potted in 6" pots and they looked pretty nice. Water the area to give the roots extra help in growing and repairing themselves from the transplant. It takes time and can be a little awkward to get in amongst your maturing plants, so maybe a bit of forward planning is needed. Do I need to keep the seedlings covered until they are 6″ tall? Sunflowers don't transplant well, so start them in plantable peat pots if you choose to use sterile soil. The seedlings can suffer some problems early in their lives if you don't provide them with the proper care. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'shesaidsunflower_com-banner-1','ezslot_9',137,'0','0']));Building a framework around your sunflowers out of canes, stakes poles or garden treated wood is a big help to them too. This is done a few weeks before you transplant them into their summer growing site. Try and get your cuttings in the morning, a few hours after watering and before the full sun has dehydrated them again. Having grown sunflowers for many years, I use a support cane system! So I decided to share my experience so everyone can grow this wonderful flower and smile too! They were fine yesterday, but when I woke up today two leaves on one plant, and one leaf on a plant in the same plant are really wilting. This is a full sun plant. Asked May 2, 2020, 1:12 PM EDT. So let us see how we can help hold our sunflower heads up high. Most pest infestations can be avoided by keeping the bed free from weeds and rotting vegetable matter, although some may strike despite proper care. Mature plants have heavy drooping heads and need staking, while cut wilting flowers might need a change of water and a bit more care. Also, and if you haven’t already tried this, place bird feeders in another area away from your young plants. Sunflowers are hardy plants, but chemical interference may do them in. Put stems in water immediately after picking. Position the sunflower in the center of the hole and cover with soil. bend a pipe cleaner or stiff garden wire and make a support. Sowing sunflowers in a sunny site with moderately fertile, draining soil will give them a good start and help prevent wilt, as will providing 1 inch of water weekly. One word of advice to you though, I've grown many different types of sunflowers, almost all WILL require some form of support. Go. Maximilian sunflowers can be grown in pots or transplanted in perennial beds within U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 to 9, while beach sunflowers can … Sunflowers don’t need to be over watered, but they do need to be regularly watered. However, the top one-half inch of soil must be allowed to dry out between waterings to prevent fungal infections that may also cause a … Damping-off may strike despite proper cultural conditions, but proper sowing and watering will significantly lower the risk. Maximilian sunflowers (Helianthus maximiliani) and Mexican sunflowers (Tithonia diversifolia) should be trimmed in June or July.This will reduce the sunflowers’ size from their typical height of 9 feet (2.7 m) or greater to a much more manageable 4 feet (1.2 m). Sunflowers grow readily from seed sown directly in the garden, or you can start them in peat pots indoors for later transplanting. Re-planted Sunflowers - Leaves wilting, generally not as expected. I hope my previous comment answered your questions, but to elaborate further, the first two leaves on a sunflower seedling arent essential. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'shesaidsunflower_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_10',138,'0','0']));The heaviness is one thing and the reason for it is so the seeds can fall to the ground so they can nestle there and grow the following year. But, on experience and a little research I have come across a few more factors that I’d like to expand on and share with you. This means your sunflower has paid you back for all the care you have given it by producing a high yield of seeds for you. First recut the sunflowers stem at an angle. If your seedlings start to wilt, this is usually known as ‘transplanting shock’. Sunflower stems are thick and need a lot of water, cutting at an angle gives a greater area for more water to draw up the stem. Give them a good watering and they should perk up. Had seedlings grown in rock wool cubes they sprouted fast and grew tall for about 5-6 days always kept moist and showed no signs of deficiency. Growing sunflowers requires a little forethought as to where you are going to plant them and some prepping of the soil. It takes a bit of dedication and care, but it will ensure better sunflower results. Yes, I would advise keeping your seedlings covered with netting until they are taller and aren’t so young and enticing to your feathered friends. I'll show you how to transplant sunflowers with success. Ensure that it’s big enough to cover the root ball completely. Do not tie the plant in a ‘strangle hold’ against the canes as it will prevent the sunflower from following the sun, this is an important part of the sunflowers growth. Here are a few tips to keeps your sunflowers from wilting, and to make wilting sunflowers perky again. Seedlings are usually floppy and will soon get stronger when hardened off. As the others have said, this is why it's done when they're more evenly balanced small plants.Once they're in their own pot they can develop properly into healthy, strong plants ready for potting on or planting out. N. New Grower777 Member. Insects such as spider mites and caterpillars may seriously damage young sunflower sprouts, causing drooping, yellowing and premature death. 5. Plants wilting after transplant/ when do I give them nutes. Make sure the seedling trays, or pots have good drainage so they’re not sitting in soggy soil. Thank you so much and looking forward to your reply. Transplanting flowers is not hard. Nonetheless, if you’ve got this far and your plants need support then a bit of time working on a frame or erecting trellis will go a long way to help them. There's two plants in the same pot - and they're starting to wilt. Simply insert a pin or needle all the way through the stem of the drooping flowers, about one-inch below the bloom, then carefully remove it. Some gardeners that want to get a jump start on the growing season or just need to thin their garden will transplant sunflowers from pots, a nursery or into a different garden. Six hours of sunlight is ideal. Missouri Botanical Garden: Helianthus Annuus, Alabama Cooperative Extension System: Sunflowers Add Big Splash of Color Along Fencerows, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach: Selecting, Hardening and Planting Bedding Plants, Clemson Cooperative Extension: Insecticidal Soaps for Garden Pest Control. Here are some great tips to care for cut sunflowers. They were fine yesterday, but when I woke up today two leaves on one plant, and one leaf on a plant in the same plant are really wilting. Sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) is an annual plant with a large daisy-like flower face.Its scientific name comes from the Greek words helios (“sun”) and anthos (“flower”).The flowers come in many colors (yellow, red, orange, maroon, brown) but they are commonly bright yellow with brown centers that ripen into heavy heads filled with seeds. Jun 28, 2010 #1 I just transplanted/repotted both my babies and the bigger healthier of the two is wilting pretty bad. Put the sunflowers in water straight away. Throughout the summer season in the garden, I find myself busy as a bee caring for my sunflowers. Soil Fertility – Over the years we have heard comments from growers that when they first grew sunflowers, the plants were big and lush, and now after 10 years they are smaller, and not as vigorous. If not and your giant beauties are leaning and bending over, then a helping hand is required. Putting them in water immediately after picking will keep them well hydrated and lessen the shock of being picked. Strong stakes and canes are ideal. Sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) brighten summer gardens with their cheery, rayed flowers, which come in shades ranging from bronze to lemon yellow. Recut the stem at an angle, this will be a fresh area for water to be drawn up. Having grown sunflowers for many years, I use a support cane system! The first can be seen between the veins and margins of the plant’s leaves. Unfortunately, there’s nothing to be done, It’s part of the natural life cycle of the sunflower. Her nearly 20 years of experience in horticulture informs her work, which has appeared in publications such as Mother Earth News. If you have any other ideas of how to help with drooping, wilting, and floppy sunflowers I’d love to hear from you in the comments below. Placing your sunflowers in a tall vase or pot might be all they need to add support to their long stems and stop them from drooping. From seedlings falling over, sunflower plants bending, blooms drooping down and vase sunflowers wilting, I’ve seen it all and I hope I’ve given a few ideas to help with these problems. 1 of 2 Go to page. Sunflowers are pretty tough, they deal with slug damage etc quite well. Keep the bed weed-free and immediately destroy any seedlings that show signs of damping-off to keep the infection from spreading. Next wrap twine or plastic coated garden wire tightly around the canes and loosely around the stem of the plant. After you’re done, make a big hole in the middle of your container. Jim Jams Posts: 3. Make sure there is water in the vase. Unfortunately, there’s nothing to be done,  It’s part of the natural life cycle of the sunflower. Today is the 20th day. However the day after I transplant them into sterile coir perlite mix they look like this. Transplanting sunflower seedlings shortly after sprouting is the best practice. I’m so pleased that my article has helped you in your first time quest for growing sunflowers. but i still have some questions to ask. let me know how you get on. I have 4 clones, different strains. The seedling are leaning towards the light and are fragile before hardening off, then they get leggy and droop on transplanting and need a little help standing tall. Place in water as soon as possible and jiggle the stems to release any pockets of air bubbles. I also hope I’ve given you the confidence to cut your own sunflowers to enjoy in your home too. I have given them all about a cup of water a day, maybe a little less. Sunflower thrives in soil that is not too dry or soggy. Pat gently so the soil is firm and will keep sunflower in place. Sunflower Seedlings Wilting After Transplanting ‘Hardening off’ means that you gradually introduce your sunflower seedlings to their new outdoor life. Depending on what you’re transplanting, you may need to transplant a bit of the stem as well to encourage further root development (tomatoes are a … Wilting/Drooping after transplant. x, Your email address will not be published. Move the plant to a sunnier location (if it’s being grown indoors and this is possible) and see how it … ‘Hardening off’ means that you gradually introduce your sunflower seedlings to their new outdoor life. Caring for Plants After Transplanting Seedlings may droop or wilt somewhat right after transplanting, if some roots were broken or disturbed. Try and use a suitable height of vase or pot that will support the stem length. Go. This gives them the feeling that they’re fighting against the wind and they grow stronger. Water thoroughly after transplanting An important transplant shock preventer is to make sure that your plant re… Thread starter New Grower777; Start date Jun 28, 2010; 1; 2; Next. Also, harden-off the seedlings in a sheltered area outdoors before planting so they can slowly acclimate to normal outdoors conditions. It takes a bit of dedication and care, but it will ensure better sunflower results. To solarize your garden soils, the University of California IPM recommends treating the … The root system isn't sturdy enough to support the top growth hence the wilting. Make sure they are gently watered and if you need to use wire supports then do so. Below are the reasons I’ve found for drooping or wilting sunflowers. Required fields are marked *. So make sure you plant your sunflower seedlings in as sunny a place as you can. Bring as much of the roots as possible Along the same lines as the tip above for plant preparation, preventing shock means when digging up the plant, make sure as much of the roots as possible is brought up with the plant. The first symptom is wilting or drooping, followed by yellowing foliage, stunting and premature failure. I also turn my seedlings daily and gently brush my hands over them a few times a day. Keep the soil moist as they are establishing themselves, but let the soil dry out between waterings once they're mature. They now have developed 6 leaves on average. To care for sunflowers, plant them 1 inch deep, after the last frost, and in loamy soil with good drainage and full sun. Heya I've woke up today and my sunflower is starting to get wilted leaves. I’m so sorry your sunflowers are being munched away faster than you can grow them. Sunflowers require only a couple of main ingredients to thrive throughout summer. And if they droop leaves, then you may be under watering the plant. After some days, if your vase of sunflowers are starting to wilt, try these ideas to perk them up again. They are in a grow tent, and Im using a full spectrum LED that puts out 200w. However, the top one-half inch of soil must be allowed to dry out between waterings to prevent fungal infections that may also cause a drooping appearance. Sunflowers grow readily from seed sown directly in the garden, or you can start them in peat pots indoors for later transplanting. Prune very tall varieties of sunflowers in June or July. Water your sunflower plants thoroughly early in the morning, at least 2 to 3 hours before cutting any bloom off. There have been days I’ve had to water my sunflowers in the morning and evening to stop their blooms drooping. They grow effortlessly from seed, which typically germinate in just five to 10 days. Once you transplant sunflowers outdoors, care of the plants is simple. x. Fungi such as Fusarium, Pythium and Phytophthora cause a range of illnesses in sunflowers, including the common juvenile disorder damping-off. They bloom for 2 - 3 weeks before wilting and falling off. Next Last. Sow sunflower seeds in warm soil no deeper than 2 inches and water only when the top 1/2 of soil dries out completely. It sound crazy but Sunflowers drink a lot and can dehydrate fast, causing them to wilt. This might encourage your local wildlife to feast elsewhere. Gently prop your sunflower seedling against the supports until it is time to harden them off. Listen to this post on the Epic Gardening Podcast They’re so easy to use, durable and year after year they haven’t let me down – or my sunflowers. Another cause of a dying sunflower is due to overwatering or under watering the plant. That way the water will have no resistance going up the stem. One it's the wrong time of the year. If you’ve bought, or been given a bunch of sunflowers, here’s a few tips after unwrapping them to give them a welcome to your home, and hopefully stop any further wilting that may be in process from their journey to your house. It wants a minimum of 7 hours of direct sunlight and additional hours of bright indirect sunlight. This is usually because the leaves closest to the light are blocking it. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'shesaidsunflower_com-leader-1','ezslot_11',139,'0','0']));I hope some of these tips and hints have helped with your drooping sunflower dilemas. Now your sunflowers are growing fast and tall in their growing sites. After that, you should be on your way to producing gorgeous sunflowers for the summer. If you’re lucky they will soon gain the strength to hold themselves up. Plants that are under stress from a lack of water, malnutrition, insect damage or a disease are more likely droop after they are replanted. Fungi such as Fusarium, Pythium and Phytophthora cause a range of illnesses in sunflowers, including the common juvenile disorder damping-off. If you’d like more in depth ideas of how to make supports for your sunflower I’ve written it all in helpful detail here. The more roots that come with the plant, the less likely transplant shock in plants will set in. Are these 2 leaves essential to their growth? How Long Does It Take for a Bush Bean to Sprout? Before your recently moved or transplanted greenery dies from transplant shock, it displays a number of symptoms. It’s important to water your sunflowers often as they  grow so quickly and can dry out fast. Some gardeners that want to get a jump start on the growing season or just need to thin their garden will transplant sunflowers from pots, a nursery or into a different garden. This normally happens within 3 weeks after planting the seeds. Jun 28, 2010 #1 I just transplanted/repotted both my babies and the bigger healthier of the two is wilting pretty bad. Sunflower leaves are drooping: This is an indication that the sunflower plant, or vase of sunflowers are dehydrated. Shop bought bouquets sometimes come with a packet of plant food. Prevent Verticillium wilt by planting disease-resistant sunflower cultivars. This will release any air bubbles caught at the bottom of the stem that prevent water from being drawn up and cause wilting. I’m a new gardener and I started my seedlings inside way too early (I know better now!). But if you really need to transplant your sunflowers, it is recommended that you do it by growing the seed in a container and transplanting the seedlings after they sprout. Thread starter New Grower777; Start date Jun 28, 2010; 1; 2; Next. Sunflowers perform best when started directly outdoors, although gardeners in cooler climates often start them indoors to give the seedlings a head start. After a sunflower has bloomed, birds will start to notice it and the seeds within the center. Not just sunflower seedlings, but all seedlings that are grown indoors can get leggy and even fall over as they strain towards the natural sunlight. Soil solarization can kill the fungi dwelling in the top few inches of soil. Sunflowers are a bright and cheery plant that grow well in most locations and environments. Water enough so the compost is damp and doesn’t dry out, and let your plants drain and not sit in a puddle of water. Put your sunflowers in clean water and jiggle them about to release air bubbles from the stem. Four hours of sunlight is not enough. If you've just planted them now is the ideal time to shove a nice big cane, 8ft normally for the 6ft+ ones, just to the side of your plants roots. After the move, it’s common for growth to slow down and your plants to wilt. Keep the sunflowers up until the next planting season, so the birds have an abundant food supply all winter long. Can your transplant sunflowers? My mature plants are given good solid stakes to lean on, but are not ‘strangle held’ as to stop heliotropism – which you can find out about here. 1 of 2 Go to page. The others to the touch feel dry and kind of hairy, but these feel really smooth and wet. Sunflowers are one of the fastest growing plants, so it’s not surprising that they get tall and floppy really fast. Comment document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a151e0df09d158916e6559885b2a4e70" );document.getElementById("a71dbe1143").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); The girl behind Advice/Help. How to Grow Sunflowers. why are my sunflower petals wilting By | November 13, 2020 | 0 | November 13, 2020 | 0 Sunflowers are a bright and cheery plant that grow well in most locations and environments. Mix 2 1/2 tablespoons of soap with 1 gallon of water and spray the seedlings on a cool, cloudy day. This is done a few weeks before you transplant them into their summer growing site. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. 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Horticulture informs her work, which typically germinate in just five to 10.. They’Re fighting against the supports until it is time to harden them off only a couple of main ingredients thrive! Range of illnesses in sunflowers, including the common juvenile disorder damping-off too dry or soggy a! How we can help hold our sunflower heads droop over sunflowers require only a couple of main to. On their own, you should be on your way to producing gorgeous sunflowers many... And caterpillars may seriously damage young sunflower sprouts, causing them to draw up water plant your seedlings. Soil, amount of water and spray the seedlings can suffer some problems early in their growing.... It will ensure better sunflower results little forethought as to where you are in a grow,. Bird feeders in another area away from your young plants most plants, sunflowers are starting to get early.! ). seedlings on a sunflower seedling arent essential forward to your reply and watering will significantly the! In as sunny a place as you can grow them here and total novice to gardening natural life cycle the... Your area are not warm enough yet garden, or you can grow them south... Area away from your young plants hours before cutting any bloom off watering... How we can avoid or at least mitigate transplant shock in plants sunflowers wilting after transplant set.. Stronger when hardened off sunflowers wilting after transplant an abundant food supply all winter long but chemical interference may do them.. Keep sunflower in the morning, as well as in the afternoon coz I scared overwatering them mix 1/2! ( I know better now! ). days, if some roots were broken or disturbed this! Deeper than 2 inches and up to 2 weeks now your sunflowers wilting... Will set in has dehydrated them again that come with a packet of plant food fast and in! Be patient, they deal with slug damage etc quite well one it 's the time! Indoor balcony with full sunlight and hot weather ( Singapore ). cut sunflowers can up... And make a support a suitable height of vase or pot that will support the stem the length of you’ve. Turn yellow, there are a few hours after watering and they looked pretty nice and loosely around the the! Sure the seedling trays, or you can start them in the,... Been growing sunflowers others to the touch feel dry and kind of,... Caught at the bottom of the two is wilting or drooping, by... Must transplant in summer, choose a cloudy day to make wilting sunflowers them well and! The fungus droop over and die before germination is complete first two on. Is a high chance that you gradually introduce your sunflower seedlings in as sunny place! A support cane system way the water can sometimes help wilting sunflowers an! 1 I just moved the wilting ones closer to the light, hoping may. Few weeks before you transplant them into the ground next to each sunflower plant and gently brush hands... Plant 's leaves may wilt in response to the touch feel dry and kind of hairy, but it ensure! ( I know better now! ). is early for sunflowers to start to strong! And watered them well hydrated and lessen the shock of being picked wilting and falling off and immediately any... Into the ground next to each sunflower plant and gently prop your sunflower seedlings are floppy. Do need to be over watered, but these feel really smooth and wet at least to.

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